Cammeray Croquet Club

Our Committee

These are the people who keep Cammeray Croquet Club humming along smoothly -

Michael Strickland

Michael hails from the other side of the world, but a Ten Pound fare was enough to lure him ‘downunder’. Back then, and for many subsequent years, he eked out an eminently forgettable existence as a lawyer.
In a fondly anticipated retirement, he had planned to sail more, play more golf, and generally make himself comfortable at home (preferably with a good book).
But Croquet intervened in a big way. Sailing has gone with the wind. Golf has pretty much gone with it. And the third plan never got past the leader of the opposition. Happily, reading, tennis, and skiing still feature.
It may not be a pretty sight, but this is what a ‘croquet tragic’ looks like.

Joanne Brown
Vice President     

Warren Yates

Warren Yates took up Croquet not long after retiring from academia where was a professor of Electrical Engineering. He has served on the Committee for 8 years, the last 4 as Secretary. Like many in the Club he enjoys social games and the occasional tournament and is not too concerned that he seems to be destined to be forever a Bronze player. Warren maintains the club website and is the first point of contact for prospective members and groups who would like to hire the lawns for a social function. When not playing Croquet he is crowdfunding investment in solar installations on commercial buildings through the not-for-profit social enterprise ClearSky Solar Investments, that he set up in 2013 with fellow ex-councillor Christina Kirsch.

Michael Hughes

Around 15 years ago Michael had 2 hip replacements, and found the much improved mobility made it more enjoyable to play sport than to sit behind a desk, so he retired from the actuarial world (the club is overrun with actuaries!). As his father took up croquet in retirement and enjoyed it, Michael convinced 3 of his friends to take lessons .... and the rest is history. Alan Walsh and Ted Griffin were two of the three; the third regrettably took up bowls instead.

Robert Barrie
Committee Member     

Mary Goldsack
Committee Member     

Mary has spent most of her working life in the tourism industry, and for the past few years worked as an event organizer with international business tourism groups. The coronavirus brought that side of her life to a sudden halt, but happily that void has been filled with a far more interesting challenge – the world of croquet. With a handicap of 20, the only way is up, or should that be down?

Ian Lucas
Committee Member     

Margaret O'Brien
Committee Member     

Gail Parrott
Committee Member     

Gail became a member of Cammeray Croquet Club to learn a new skill following her retirement. After 15 years working as State Field Manager for
" Lindt ", her aim was to continue being fit and active. Croquet is a challenging game and I try to challenge myself to improve, one day I will make it !!!
I have been a member and volunteer of the National Trust of Australia for the past 10 years and share a passion for the preservation of our heritage both built and natural.

Alan Walsh
Committee Member     

Born in Brisbane in 1945, Alan spent 35 years in the IT industry as a software engineer, and started playing croquet only after retiring in 2005.
Has played a few times in the NSW representative team in interstate teams championships, and in four individual AC World Championships.
Until croquet interfered, his primary recreation was competitive Bridge. Success in that field includes State and National team titles and representing Australia in international events over a 40-year period.