Cammeray Croquet Club

Members Tips

We have some very inventive members. Here are some tips and tricks they have contributed -

8: Hoop storage shed

I understand the door of the shed fell on a members arm. Several other members as well as myself have wondered why such a light weight shed was bought when bunnings have steel sheds that would last more than a year. David Stanton went to a lot of trouble to fit it out well. I suggest the shed be replaced by a solid structure. Marg O'Brien

(Margaret O'Brien)

5: Practising a specific shot

One of the ways to improve your game is to practice a particular shot for half an hour. When I say a particular shot, I mean a very specific one, and one which you encounter in normal games. Thus, a shot you should practice is the three-quarter roll after making hoop 1 when you have a ball at hoop 2 but no pivot. Practice this from the likely position in front of hoop 1, and work on it until you can do it with confidence. Note how you are holding the mallet, how long the swing is, how angled the mallet head is. Pick a spot that you aim at with the swing. When you can do this shot consistently, you will develop a lot of confidence when you next meet it in a game – and confidence is one of the keys to reliable shots.
You will need to return to practising the shot from time to time to refresh your memory on exactly how you best play it.

(Neil Hardie)

2: Getting balls to touch

Try rotating the strikers ball so that its top moves away from the roqueted ball, with the balls in contact. When you stop rotating it will fall back into contact

(Warren Yates)
