Cammeray Croquet Club


Cammeray Croquet Club is located in the sporting complex bounded by Ernest St and Park Ave Cammeray, a suburb of Sydney in Australia. The club has a large and growing membership of Croquet enthusiasts across the complete spectrum of handicaps. We hope you will find our site useful in finding out about the club and about croquet in general

If you would like more information please email or call in at the club at one of playing sessions and talk to us or simply watch a game. At present there is always Association Croquet play on: Saturday mornings(beginners) Saturday afternoons (Bronze), Monday mornings (Silver +), Monday afternoons (Bronze), Tuesday mornings Silver), Tuesday afternoons (Bronze) Wednesday mornings (Gold+), Wednesday evenings (Bronze), Thursday afternoons (Bronze)and Friday morning (Handicap games).

We welcome members from other clubs who would like to have a game at Cammeray.


Thinking you might like to take up Croquet?

We have a gentle and well supported process that will take you from raw beginner to the point where you can join in and enjoy a game at any of our social play sessions. Click here for details.


Are you a Golf Croquet player? We offer a coaching program to transition to Association

We have prepared a set of lessons for GC players who are interested in playing AC. We run the course, which is open to members from any Croquet club, whenever there are 4 or more candidates at a time to be negotiated with the students. Email if you would like to participate. The notes are available here


New Constitution for ACA

Croquet Australia has drafted a new constitution to comply with the requirements of the Australian Sports Commission for National Sporting Organisations.
This includes Croquet Australia becoming an Australian company limited by guarantee.
It also requires Croquet Australia has a database of all members.
In consulting with the State Croquet Associations, Croquet Australia has ensured that membership of individuals is still via clubs and State Associations.

The notice of the general meeting to be held on July 23 to adopt the new consitution can be found here

Croquet NSW July Newsletter

You can read it here